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An Introduction to Digital

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The use of open AI programs such as ChatGPT, have become prevalent in assisting artists and writers in a variety of applications. This introduction demonstrates the capabilities of these programs to produce instant content on broad topics, however devoid of personality or nuance:

This issue explores the intersection of digital realms, art-making, and the challenges faced by artists in navigating the fragmented experiences of new territories. The notion of community and location has transformed as social media facilitates the creation of international virtual spaces, while new economies and forms of monetary exchange shape global value and identity. How do we measure spatial dimension and convey sentiment and cultural storytelling in hybridized and compromised digital spaces?

Our DIGITAL writers explore the challenges faced by artists as they navigate the ever-evolving landscape of this morphing technology. As the boundaries between the physical and digital continue to blur, it is crucial to understand the opportunities and complexities that arise at this intersection.

The rapid advancement of digital technology has revolutionized the way we create, consume, and experience art. Virtual realms have become an expansive playground for artists, providing new tools, mediums, and platforms to explore and express their creativity. From virtual reality installations to generative algorithms and interactive art, artists are pushing the boundaries of what is possible, inviting audiences into immersive and thought-provoking experiences.

The digital realm presents unique challenges in terms of accessibility and inclusivity. While digital technology has the potential to democratize art by reaching a global audience, it also risks creating a divide; where those without access or technological literacy may be left behind.

The prevalence of social media and online platforms also brings about its own set of challenges. The digital era has ushered in a culture of instant gratification and rapid consumption, where artworks can easily get lost in the vast sea of content. Artists must navigate this noisy landscape, finding new ways to capture and maintain the attention of viewers. The pressure to create viral or shareable content can sometimes overshadow the artistic process, posing a dilemma for artists striving to strike a balance between artistic integrity and visibility.

Amidst these challenges, it is essential to recognise the transformative potential of the intersection between digital realms and art-making. The digital era has opened up avenues for collaboration, experimentation, and interactivity, enabling artists to forge new connections and engage with audiences in unprecedented ways. The fusion of art and technology has the power to provoke dialogue, challenge traditional notions of artistic practice, and redefine the boundaries of creativity.

Issue 32: DIGITAL welcomes contributions from Hana Aoake (Ngaati Hinerangi, Ngaati Mahuta, Ngaati Raukawa, Tainui/Waikato, Ngaati Waewae, Tauranga Moana), Nicole Clift (SA), Emily Fitzpatrick (Toronto/Tkaronto), Angelique Joy (SA) and Roslyn Orlando (Vic) with more voices joining the conversation.

— ChatGPT for fine print