fine print

An introduction to Time

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Play Audio

It’s about time. The system we use to impose order and measure, to sequence events and define their duration. Inextricably linked to experience and motion, time has long preoccupied us yet eludes a definitive definition. Is it possible to fix it? Does it flow? Can it be felt, or is it a judgement? If it is a constant, how do we account for its relativity? How can we measure with a system we are yet to fully understand? It is here, in this slippery, evasive state that time provides a seductive space for artistic experimentation.

Time’s possibilities are the starting points for the three feature writers in fine print’s inaugural issue, used as a framework to explore duration, perception, history, the personal and the shared. It is also the thread that ties the first of our short responses together, reflections on exhibitions and individual works which appear alongside these longer pieces.

Traverse a spectrum of experimental reflections on the elusive nature of time with Mary Angove (SA/ACT), Alice Clanachan (VIC/SA), Matthew Lorenzon (VIC), Lauren Mustillo (SA), Riley O'Keeffe (SA), Madeline Reece (SA), Gloria Strzelecki (SA) and CJ Taylor (SA).